Monday, December 17, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Review

    This weekend I went to see, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. In my words I thought it was good for part 1. The Hobbit is all about Bilbo Baggins journey leading up to Frodo.
    My favorite character was Bilbo Baggins because he doubts himself, but Bilbo faces his fears anyway. The best scene in the movie would have to be when the dwarves started coming into Bilbo's house, and started to trash it.
   My sister was not that excited about the Hobbit because She's that kind of person. She does not understand the meaning of the movie. "It's just 2 hours and 40 minutes of walking," She explained. I personally thought it was great!  
     I recommend this movie to anybody 9 or up because somethings you might not understand. Also it's a great movie to people who have read the book, or seen the other movies.
  I hope you like the Hobbit!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Little Sister, Big Sister

Does anyone out there have a sibling that might just get on you last nerve? Well, I have a big sister who can be a pain sometimes. But I would do any reasonable thing for her. For example: My sister gets in BIG trouble and part of it was my fault. I would take the blame. So, here's a thing to think about... If you see me sticking up for my sister you know it's important!
The reason why I do nice things for her; the main reason is because I feel bad. When I was little she would always take the blame, and this time I really messed up. A message to my mom: Give me the blame for what WE did. She is already in too much trouble!
My sister and I may fight a lot, but at least we will always have eachother's backs!
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Santa at the Lakes

 This weekend I went to Santa at the Lakes located at Santee Lakes. My mother, my friend, Taylor, and my other friend, Hailey accompanied me.

We started by getting tickets for all the rides; lucky the line wasn't long. Hailey, Taylor, and I started with this spinning ride called, "The Sizzler." Taylor described it as if it was a rubber band shooting to all the different corners between your fingers. Our group was super dizzy afterward.

The next ride we trudged along to were the swings. The swings were 2 per seat and swung over everyone. Part of the time me and Hailey were pushing the swing on our own before it began. We all gave it 3 stars!

Once the swings were over we only had a few tickets left, so we went snow sledding! A little hill of snow lied out in the middle of San Diego. It was impressive to have the snow not melting. It was hard to get on the sled though! I kept slipping down the hill without the sled :). Then we did 2 on one sled and I fell down the snow slope. The man working there had to help me. Hailey started laughing so I started a snowball fight with them both.

I eventually went on the the "Round Up." It is the ride where you are standing up and spinning up and down. I was so scared at first and didn't want to go on, but I faced my fears. As I walked on the ride nerves got to me, although my friends were always by my side.

This weekend I spent my time at Santa at the Lakes where I had a blast! So if there is another event like this I recommend you should go too! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!! ;)

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Monday, December 10, 2012

My Career Inspiration

You don't just know what you are going to be when you grow up. There has to be something that inspires you to do what you want to do. Before I wanted to be a scientist I was sure of being an actor. That's when I participated in the Climate Change Student Summit. Everything changed since then because I met, marine biologist, Sarah Wheeler. Although I have to give credit to my 4th grade teacher, Ms.Glanz, who got me there. She was the one who selected me to come and present to all those people. I have gone to many science related events after meeting Sarah. So that's how I have gotten this far in my career choice.
    Thanks for reading and don't forget MEBSA, (Marine Ecology and Biology Student Association)  is having an open house on March 10th!

Friday, December 7, 2012

My Teacher

Education is amazing and to be successful with a business you need to go to school. My teacher, Mrs. Boulais has always been an inspiration! She makes learning fun everyday. In fact every Friday we get to bring an electronic which is fun to use while studying the fifty states. So here's a shout out, " Mrs. Boulais learning wouldn't be fun without you! ;)"

The Lost Hero Rieview

Recently I completed book, The Lost Hero, written by Rick Riordan. This book was about 3 kids, Jason, Piper, and Leo going on a mission to stop Gaea (mother earth) from rising and destroying mankind.
   While reading this book I thought Jason stood out the most. His heroic actions and urge to complete their quest were many features that made him the main character. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you their god/goddess parents or it would ruin the fun. Piper is sometimes shy, but will always stand by her friends through thick and thin. Then there's Leo, who is always keeping his hands busy, but makes sure everyone is on board.
  When it comes to the type of story  I would say it is about the gods/goddess and the wars that mortal are unaware of. I recommend this book to any Percy Jackson  lovers!!! Although if you haven't read Percy Jackson you will not understand some hidden jokes. Other then that The Lost Hero is the perfect journey for all readers to take! :) Picture from:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stardom doesn't come Easy

Not everybody ends up like Hannah Montana or Blake Shelton. They earn those positions by working hard and believing in their dreams. A majority of people want to live in Hollywood and become famous. But do you really think it happens just like that? It's like Taylor Swift, she started singing at a young age and fell in love. She kept going on with her dreams by writing songs and practicing. Then her supportive family decided to move to Nashville, Tennessee where she shared her music with record dealers everywhere. Taylor wasn't that lucky, but she kept going. My point is no matter what obstacle came she kept going and believed she could do it. So if anyone out there wants to become the next Adele or Justin Bieber just remember it takes commitment to succeed.
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