Monday, December 10, 2012

My Career Inspiration

You don't just know what you are going to be when you grow up. There has to be something that inspires you to do what you want to do. Before I wanted to be a scientist I was sure of being an actor. That's when I participated in the Climate Change Student Summit. Everything changed since then because I met, marine biologist, Sarah Wheeler. Although I have to give credit to my 4th grade teacher, Ms.Glanz, who got me there. She was the one who selected me to come and present to all those people. I have gone to many science related events after meeting Sarah. So that's how I have gotten this far in my career choice.
    Thanks for reading and don't forget MEBSA, (Marine Ecology and Biology Student Association)  is having an open house on March 10th!

1 comment:

  1. HI Jordan,
    I remember meeting you at the Climate Change Student Summit and then have seen you at all the MEBSA activities. I am so happy you are looking at science as your career choice! I agree, Sarah Wheeler is inspiring! I always learn so much from her when we attend her (and MEBSA's) events! I will definitely be going to the Open House on March 10th!

    See you there!
    Mary Kraus


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