Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stardom doesn't come Easy

Not everybody ends up like Hannah Montana or Blake Shelton. They earn those positions by working hard and believing in their dreams. A majority of people want to live in Hollywood and become famous. But do you really think it happens just like that? It's like Taylor Swift, she started singing at a young age and fell in love. She kept going on with her dreams by writing songs and practicing. Then her supportive family decided to move to Nashville, Tennessee where she shared her music with record dealers everywhere. Taylor wasn't that lucky, but she kept going. My point is no matter what obstacle came she kept going and believed she could do it. So if anyone out there wants to become the next Adele or Justin Bieber just remember it takes commitment to succeed.
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  1. I agree that you have to work hard to achieve your dreams. So many people give up because they want everything RIGHT NOW, instead of being patient and working for it.

  2. Welcome to the world of blogs! You are lucky or should I say smart to have started one so early in your life. Having a record of your thoughts and the reactions of people who read your blog will be very satisfying and give you a lot of insight to your life. Best wishes!

  3. So what are YOUR dreams? To be the next Taylor Swift? And what's your plan for getting there?

    You're off to a great start with your blog! Look forward to seeing more!

  4. Great article with so much insight. Keep up the good work Jordan we are very proud of you! Your dreams are your future never give themup! Love you much.

  5. It would be nice to be the next Taylor Swift! I would just practice, practice, practice...



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