Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Little Sister, Big Sister

Does anyone out there have a sibling that might just get on you last nerve? Well, I have a big sister who can be a pain sometimes. But I would do any reasonable thing for her. For example: My sister gets in BIG trouble and part of it was my fault. I would take the blame. So, here's a thing to think about... If you see me sticking up for my sister you know it's important!
The reason why I do nice things for her; the main reason is because I feel bad. When I was little she would always take the blame, and this time I really messed up. A message to my mom: Give me the blame for what WE did. She is already in too much trouble!
My sister and I may fight a lot, but at least we will always have eachother's backs!
Picture from:


  1. I have a sister too. She can be annoying sometimes, but I love her and will always stand up for her and be there for her. Your blog made me think about how wonderful it is to have a sister.

  2. Jordan, I have four sisters, and growing up, we either were friends or enemies, depending upon the day.

    We don't always see eye to eye now, but I think that all of us would do anything for each other.

    The older I get, the more I appreciate my four wonderful sisters!

  3. I have a younger brother, so I had it WAAAAY worse growing up! But now my brother and I are very close, just like you and Alex will be some day. Keep that in mind when you want to give her a kick. :)
    Steph Southcott


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