Monday, December 17, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Review

    This weekend I went to see, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. In my words I thought it was good for part 1. The Hobbit is all about Bilbo Baggins journey leading up to Frodo.
    My favorite character was Bilbo Baggins because he doubts himself, but Bilbo faces his fears anyway. The best scene in the movie would have to be when the dwarves started coming into Bilbo's house, and started to trash it.
   My sister was not that excited about the Hobbit because She's that kind of person. She does not understand the meaning of the movie. "It's just 2 hours and 40 minutes of walking," She explained. I personally thought it was great!  
     I recommend this movie to anybody 9 or up because somethings you might not understand. Also it's a great movie to people who have read the book, or seen the other movies.
  I hope you like the Hobbit!

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